If your company is thinking of creating a marketing and advertising campaign for your own company or for a client. In the current post you can learn about a different and unique way of presenting brand information. This way is by renting digital tactile totems.
The rental of digital touch totems will allow your company to create eye-catching and personalised campaigns for each client. This way you will be able to attract a large number of visitors or attendees to your company. This will offer a greater business opportunity thanks to this type of campaign. If you manage to attract a greater number of potential customers, the probability of achieving a greater number of sales and conversions will also be greater.
Events must offer a unique experience that is remembered by users beyond the event itself. To get your message and information across to the participating audience But to achieve this goal you must offer something different and unique.
At SB Service we have put our efforts into offering this different way of presenting information at events. Being one of our star products the digital tactile totems. Formed by 4k screens, Windows 10 computer, multitouch technology with 10 simultaneous touch points and Wi-Fi. With screens from 43″ to 65″, to adapt to the needs of our clients.
Interactive applications for digital tactile totems
Digital touch totems can be customized through interactive applications. We can create informative templates, games, reservation centres, menus, cards… Creating the application that our clients want, thanks to our own team of programmers.
In addition, we have more types of large format touch devices. Such as digital outdoor touch totems, rotating touch totems, kiosks, touch tables, touch screens and in the form of a Smartphone. All with the same high quality features as the digital touch totems. We also offer the audiovisual section formed by Smart TV, Led Wal, Video Wall, Curved Truss, Black Truss and Round Truss. The audiovisuals will allow you to create the event that your company or your client wants. Thanks to being able to create ephemeral structures and large screens.
SB Service offers our interactive touch screen and audiovisual rental service to cities all over Spain, France and Europe. Throughout our years of experience we have carried out assemblies in cities such as Madrid, Bilbao, Barcelona, Marseille, Paris, Toulouse, Milan, Monaco, Valencia, Malaga, Seville… If you wish to know more about our products do not hesitate to contact us, we will inform you without obligation. In our Instagram you will be able to observe our assemblies.